Thoughts from the mind of a 15 year old Freshman in High School

Friday, December 5, 2008


In the last two weeks, we've started a poetry project in English. We had to find poems about a certain theme from all different kinds of authors. My partner and I chose our theme to be children; Not poems for children, but poems about children. Another part of the project was to work on writing two poems by ourselves. Here are the two that I wrote.


Her hair so soft
It crumbles in my grasp
Fingers so small
Yet they will conquer the world
Her eyes so enormous
They envelop her entire face
She’s the little girl I used to be
And always wish to be

Love of childhood:

Alive, it hasn’t been long
With such a long road ahead
Trapped in my youth
Maturity seems out of reach
Yet, I do not long for old age
For now I am free of any burden
No reality to taint my dreams
For now, I cannot find a need to worry
I am glad to be innocent
And to have tranquility with the world
Today I am liberated from responsibility
There's no such thing as tomorrow


Esa said...

Amazing! Love the poems.

Anonymous said...

I am so very impressed. I particularly liked the second one. I could see you in it. Keep up the good work