Thoughts from the mind of a 15 year old Freshman in High School

Friday, December 12, 2008


Late nights. Headaches. Dark circles under the eyes. What better way to explain the excitement of exam studying. You cram and you cram and the pressure isn't lifted. Even when it's all over, you have to wait a month or two until you get it back. So even though you're enjoying the peacefulness of the holidays, you're always thinking whether you did well on a test or not. Everyone says to relax and to just do the best you can, but how can you do that when in the back of your mind, you know that this will count for 20% of your grade. 'The key is to relax' does that work when you've stayed up until two in the morning studying and then have thrown back three cups of coffee. It's not a fun experience to go through. I've only taken exams three times so far. Twice last year and I'm in the middle of my third set. So far, I don't listen to the to the people who say 'Stop cramming at the last minute'. I for one have gone through many experiences in which what I look over before the test, turns out to be on a huge portion. I'm not saying not to study ahead of time. It is just sometimes helpful to look at your material before you walk in. Overall, the key is to go in with a positive attitude. Everyone gets nervous and it's almost impossible to prevent, but when you simply tell yourself that you know you'll succeed. It's in the bag. My point here is, you know this stuff and it's just review. It's a big deal, but you know you know this material. Be as positive as possible. I thought I was going to fail my math exam this morning. But once I got in the room and I told myself I was ready to face this upcoming challenge. I already felt smarter and more prepared. Remember that sports and school are 90% mental. It's all in your head. You know you're reading go in there and give it your all.

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