Thoughts from the mind of a 15 year old Freshman in High School

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


This weekend, I went through gum surgery. It is not like other surgeries that might be on your leg or arm. Having it done in the mouth means you remind yourself about every five seconds when you swallow. Plus, it bleeds a lot more. The first day in recovery I spent in bed with a nurse's mouth cover on holding ice in. Since my lips were so swollen, I could barely eat my milkshakes and ice cream. Tragic, huh? Although it was annoying and painful after the surgery, I was a nervous wreck before I went in. It was my first time under drugs and I didn't cry at all. I cried afterward as a side affect but while I wasn't exactly sane. They checked my blood pressure and my heart rate. It was at a 78. A bit nervous, you think? I woke up a few times, feeling nothing. I kept telling myself to fall asleep and have happy dreams. I was a tinny bit delirious. While I was leaving, I had this strange urge to tell the nurse Happy Birthday. I was probably one of the funniest patients they have had in a while. Now it is over and I will see how it looks once the stitches are removed next week. Thanks for everything Dr. Skinner!

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