Thoughts from the mind of a 15 year old Freshman in High School

Saturday, March 22, 2008


“Because I said so!” Every mother and daughter comes together in memories of these four words. They are pretty scary and are used in deep times of angst. I feel them reoccurring when the mother does not have a comeback to why her daughter should not do a certain thing while it is perfectly normal. She feels a little too overprotective. You may also recognize the fact that the words are overly used at bedtime when the mother bird needs a rest from the deep, long snores made by the father bird. Besides those instances, the mother finds herself embarrassing to her children on numerous occasions. Many times you may hear her yelling in the public bathroom “Wow honey, you really had to go.” She may scream at the top of her lungs while you’re in the school parking lot “Don’t forget to buy some tampons! You used up all the ones at home!” My favorite is when she walks into the cafeteria where you’re hanging out with your friends and says “Come on pumpkin, you have got to get home so you have time to take your bath.” Thing is, I like having my mom around to embarrass me. You might find it peculiar, but she makes it so I’m not too popular and I don’t get involved with the wrong crowd. She’s my security blanket and the one I talk to and tell everything to.

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