Thoughts from the mind of a 15 year old Freshman in High School

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Switch

Recently, my favorite teacher has retired. She taught English and was one of those people who was just so passionate about her work. Passionate about writing and teaching and storytelling all at the same time. She was getting older and had some health issues, but I still hate to see her go. I really hope she gets better, but it's really hit me hard. I've always loved to write, but she made it so much fun. I had never thought that I could be a writer as even a possible career choice until she opened my eyes. This blog was just supposed to be for fun, and for me to get out any sort of feelings I had in writing. Now, I try to write from more of an artist's standpoint. I wanted to figure out this semester if I really liked writing and they take her away from me. The school took my best writing influence away. I'll be fine and I'll get through it, if only I even slightly liked my new English teacher. She's much tougher, and it's a huge adjustment. I don't know her very well yet, but I haven't exactly gotten a very good vibe. I'll try to steer clear of any harsh feelings towards her, but it's hard to come in after the entire class has finally gotten used to somebody else. I have always loved to be on a personal level with all of my teachers. I felt that she and I had become closer these past 5 months. Even though the new girl is making it very hard for me to totally pay attention to her, I'll try to not let her affect me.