Thoughts from the mind of a 15 year old Freshman in High School

Friday, January 30, 2009

My Second Family

Being a part of the Basketball team at school is possibly one of the best experiences I've ever had. I did not only improve as a player, but I also made a second family. 17 sisters and 3 moms to be exact. The girls on my team were not only so sweet to me when I was new to the team, but immediately included me in everything. I never felt left out because I was the newbie. I have found that I've made a personal bond with each of the players in a different way. They are all incredible athletes and incredible people too. It wasn't hard to swoop in and be a part of the team since we are almost ALWAYS together. Literally, I've spent around 315 hours with them this year. This does not include nights and weekends or trips that we take or the summer team camps or tryouts, but just practices. We have only a few more weeks in the season, and though I may have some more free time after school, I will really miss all of my sisters.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Maternal Dependency

I do not know how I could live without my mother. She edits my papers, packs my bags, makes my plans, cooks my meals, and reminds me of all my responsibilities. She keeps me going on the right track. I thank her for it as much as I can because I know she won't be there forever. I'm heading off to college in just 3 1/2 years. Okay, so I do have a little while longer with her. But at some point I'm to have to learn how to be self sufficient. My love and dependency for my mother is so large that when she leaves us for only a few days, I do not only miss her, but am completely lost without her. She ends up having to make lists so not only me, but my dad will know everything that we need to do. She holds the little strings to control every move our family makes. What this made me realize is that most families are very similar to our same situation. Women may be known to be the stay-at-home mom, and it makes them look like the typical female who needs the man to put food on the table. The truth of the matter is, the men wouldn't know how to put the food on the table if the women didn't tell them how. Most women know that they can work and support their family if needed, but they are making a sacrifice for their children. Each one of them is strong for making such a bold choice and devoting their life to a loved one. I plan to make myself a very strong woman and work just as hard as any other man out there and be able to support myself. But when it comes time to settle down, I will have pride in making the decision, if need be, to stay at home.